George Van Tassel - The Council of Seven Lights(1958)

INTRODUCTION Para-psychology has proven that the transmission and reception of thought is possible and ~a scientific fact. The information in this bodk is the result of a d;eveloped ability to awaken the nearly dormant consciousness to thoughts existing throughout time. Nothing can be thought of that has not been thought of before. The principles of r.adio, television, electricity, flying, and of all modem things, existed in the time of Plato and ·Columbus. All of the principles of everything that can ever be already exist ·. in the infinity of Universal Mind. The ability to penetrate Mind requires practice. In practicing the act of awareness I found that Intelligence exists throughout the Universe. My first contact with the organized Intelligences of other places revealed that the Intelligence manifested on the Earth is in the kindergarten stages. My penetration into the superconscious mind revealed an eternal record of infinite laws. Thinking is not something one does. Thinking is the act of becoming aware of what already exists. One does not try to think to become aware. One only has to remove his own thoughts and. then the Universal Mind rushes in to fill the ·void. The introductio·n of :a ny new thought is usually accepted by those who understand its potentialities, and rejected by those who do not comprehend its 9

portent. This often leads to controversy, which is the needed stimulant that brings individuals to the use of their own thought power. This book is not written with the intention to present anything radically new to the reader. It is written to revive that which has become nearly dormant within his individual power of conception. ·O ne would be utterly foolish ro try Ito explain a subject using scientific explan~ations to another who is not interested in or doesn't understand scientific terms. It would be equally unimpressive to appeal to one from the religious viewpoint if he ·were not interested in religion. My desire in presenting this book is to pass on that which ma·kes sense to my reasoning ·faculties, in the hope that oth~ers can gain something of lasting value from it. The materialism of the present society of the masses is evidence that even the most unreligious of individuals has a ·desire : to worship · something; so he worships matter. The materialists think they are the more advanced people in an otherwise sci~ entifically ignorant society. . The most devout religionists l·e an the other way and believe their heavenly ·point of view is the correct way. Actually both are wrong and both · are right; from a neut~al point of view. I am attempting to present this book from the middle viewpoint. If it appears lt hat I am leaning one way ··o r the other, the reader may take into· account th·a t perhaps he is basing his opinion on his 10

own tendency to lean one way or the other. Now, the best way to really understand anything is to examine your own opinion from the opposite point of view. · This book is an attempt to present to science and religion the facts that each are integral parts o.f the other, and both are the same ONE from op·posite concepts. A wall is a wall regardless of from which side one looks at it. On one side of this wall is written the history 1a nd achievements of science, and on the other sid~e one can read the records of the various religions. There is only the .one principle of creation, ·b ut there are many roads to finding this grand principle. Religion presents ·its many roads to the people; each ·sect presenting its approach as the only ·one, with the fanatic condemnation of all other ·religious roads . .The many .divisions of . science each profesS their findings as the ~temal verities. ·Religion· presents God as th·e Infinite Being; and science presents the manifestations of ·G od which have been recorded with the five .senses. In th·e unthinkable vastness of the infinite universe the Earth is only a tiny speck of matter, inhabited by parasites called humans. The people depend upon the Earth for their sustenance the same as any parasite depends upon its host for 'life. Religion is the art of living now. A true religionist knows how to live without infringing upon the rightful living- of others. The professors of religion pro11

pound spirit as something you become after your death. Actually the spiritt of you is here now and your god is deter1nined by the way you live in the flesh body so as to manifest spirit now, here on Earth. The consCiousness of every individual contains all of the records of every act 'a nd personality that the individual has ever done, or been. To admit that many of th~e thoughts I received were given by other identities would be true. Yet the further truth is that I have been all of these other identities. Reincarnation is a misnomer. All that one has ever been or will ever be, he is now. Everyone has always existed since the creation. Whether one accepts the limits of one life span here on the Earth, or this life and a hereafter somewhere ·else is of no concern. One cannot honestly believe in a hereafter without believing in a "before". This schoolroom on the Earth is only a brief experience in eternal Life. One must first understand himself, then he may understand his fellowman. If this is accomplished then one is at the doorway of understanding God.


0 man, you have made laws to avoid using My Laws. Confusion, chaos, and war are the results of man's ideas, opinion, and assumptions. Light alone is the essence of Truth; Truth alone is the essence of Wisdom; Wisdom is the essence of Knowledge; Knowledge is the essence of Life. Only through Knowledge can man express Wisdom in action. I have given man Life that he might demonstrate My Knowledge through action and Wisdom. I extend the concentration of My Light to those who are demonstrating My Laws. 0 man, in living My life, in breathing My breath, establish within yourself the solidarity, the contentment, the bliss of living rightly; that I may know, that I may feel the glorious pulsation _o f the Being of you. In speaking My words, let them ring clear, let them be dear and near to you that others may understand. Realize, I am not the expression of self; I am only the boundless unselfish utterances of the heart and the Soul that sees Me in others. None can bring about the workings of My Laws, unless first they have established their right within My Light. Reach not for golden prizes of desire, for they shall reflect the Light. Look not into the mirrors of space, for eyes that see are blind to Me. And though the Prize be golden, My light does not reflect. Express the Being of Me in life, extend Me in the action 13


that I may feel the thrill of doing for another whose need is great, that I may know success in manifesting you to bring about the Me in others, that their eyes may see through thee to Me not reflection, not illusion, but the purity, the reality I have instilled within the you of Me.

THE MISSING LINK ''In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Gen. 1:1). This creation was a part of the continuously evolving creation througho·u t the universe. E1a ch instant that passes new things are being made, new phases of life unfold, to live in ever progressing cycles of rebirth. As related above God· made heaven before Earth. In these h'eavens of the sky He had already created Man. On many planets in many other solar systems, and on other planets in this solla r system, Man was developed through thousands of years, even before the Earth was habitable. Man was created (Gen. 1 : 27), he did not evolve from the lower animals. However, he was not created on the Earth. Man was created throughout millions of sol!a r systems; to serve as the instrument of God's doing. Anyone who contends that this planet is the only one occupied by intelligent life forn1s, does not accept ·God in His infinite completeness. His narrow mind has placed a limit on His ability to perform His ere• attons. Adam was not a single man. The Adaniic race of Man was the first people to inhabit the Earth. This is confirmed in Gen. 1:27 where the race of Man, in the original creation, is described as ''male and 15


female". In Gen. 1:28 the scripture relates how "God blessed them". This is plural, not him, but them. And God said unto them (the Adamic race, both male and female) "be fruitful, and multiply". This ~all happens before Eve is ever mentioned. Thus the Adamic race is established on Earth. Then ·G od finished His work of creation in regard to · Man. He had also finished the creation of the heavens and the Earth (Gen. 2: 1) and all the host of them. This means all the beings who occupied the Earth and the heavens. So God "ended His work" ·a nd rested. ('Gen. 2:2,3). · Can this be that God ~ended His work, and still no .mention of Eve? Yes, the Bible is accurate on Go.d 's beginning of His creations. Then comes the summary of the creation. This is where people are led into confusion. For the first time God is· left out of the picture and we have a "Lord God" (Heb.-Jehovah Elohim). This character was one of the Adamic race who was in the colony that h1a d been landed here by spacecraft. The men of the Adamic race did not bring their women with them when they first landed on Earth. . The Lord God brings Eve into the picture, not the Creator. The Lord God said that the Adamic men were lonesome. (Gen. 2: 18). Then the Lord God pops Eve out of a rib after one of their people fell into a deep sleep. (Gen. 2 : 21,22) . God brings about the creation of people through birth everywhere in the universe, not by ma·king women out of men's ribs. 16


The race of Eve was the highest form of lower animal life on this planet. They were not apes, but they were 'also not the raoe of Man, created by God. Next comes the story of Adam, Eve, and the apple. (Gen. 3 : 1-7) . This son of the Adamic race of Man blamed the woman, and the woman blamed the serpent. The poor serpent didn't have anyone ito blame. One of the true species of Man, as God created the Adamic race, · mated with ·a n animal. There is no violation of God's law in man mating with woman after his own kind. Adam's violation · of the law was not in "eating the apple"; it was in ea1ting the wrong apple. God created every creature ,a fter its own kind ('Gen. 1:11,12 and 21, 22), but one of the race of Man mated with an animal of the Earth and crossed

blood. This is where Man became hu-man~ Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel. She didn't know who the

(Creator was, so she said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord" (Gen. 4:·1), thinking the Lord was the Adamic man who was her mate. When Cain killed Abel he revealed the animal nature · ~f his mother. H'e started the practice of murder, that has expanded to a point now where people can ~porize thousands of others with atomic and hydrogen bombs. Thatt is why the people of the Earth are called humans. The Adamic sons of God 'k new the tiger as a killer among beasts. The name for tiger was "Hu". 11'


Most of the people· on the Earth today are crossbreed descendants of the true Adamic sons of God, as originally. created, and the animal race· of Eve. That is ·why you have an earthly, dense, animal body, and an inner body of created reality as God made You. · ~The truly created men and women of the Adamic race of man have been watching the people on the E:arth for thousands of years. This "siva-lization" (from Shiva, Hindu god of destruction) of humans has expanded - the science of destruction to the . point of crisis. The nations having atomic bombs have enough to wipe out all living things on th;e Earth. The animal of Eve -is • In power. The :Adamic race of Man has .brought. "nullifier" ships· into the Earth's thin. film ·of breathable atmosphere. We call them green fireballs. They .have nullified concentrations of atomic· radiation that were in our· atmosphere. They feel responsible for the fact thaJt one of their people started this destructive cycle on the Earth.You.have.a choice to make. You either accept the Creator's Adamic constructive part of you, or you recognize the physical hu-man's · destructive influence of the Eve ancestry. The Adamic race of Man typifies the combination of spirit and substance into form. The many forms of life; fish, birds, reptiles, insects, animals, and humans all change with environment and breeding. The human race is !a degenerate species o.f Man, as· a result of following the bestial tendencies. 18


Matter and spirit are the same tl1ing, only in opposite manifestation. Matter is energy (spirit) condensed and energy is matter in solution. Each is polarized throughout infinite space and both follow a pattern of forms.. Space is the infinite ocean of Intelligence (;C reative Spirit), or the Creator at rest. This balanced Intelligence manifests through all creations. In order to m·anifrest motion the energies must be unbalanced. N·o thing or condition in ·G od's universe is without contrast in duality. For every up there's ·a ·down, for every white there's a black, for every night there's a day. . .. Anyone who has climbed the "tree of knowl~edge" can see that it has two sides, no matter in ·which direction one · looks. This is not because ·t he ·tree knows one side froin another; it's because the man in the top of it has two sides, his right· and . left. ·· Ood made everytJUng in duality so ·He ~ould remain at rest in the middle. ;G od is peace. . Jesus said ''My Father and I are one". That was because he recognized no rich or poor, no boundaries or colors, no church or religions. ~at was because he remained neutral at a division pojnt between the contrasting dualitiies. Jesus didn't take sides with anyone. Actually you shouldn't take either side·take ·G od's course down the middle. A fire can warm you or destroy you. Cold is desirable in a refrigerator b·u t not when it makes one uncomfortable. Speed is required to get somewhere 1


fast, but its momentum can kill you if you lose control of it. Atomic energy is a death force. Its radiation can kill you without a bomb being dropped. In commercial use for power it is as deadly as when it is used in bombs. Fission or fusion of atoms, or their isotopes, on a planet are not as God intended. God created suns to operate their reactions by the principles of fission and fusion. He also placed the planets far enough away from the suns so there would be no harmful effects from their waste products. Human use of sun principles, on a pl:anet, is in direct opposition 'to the creative principles of an, all wise God. The law of reaction will cancel every destructive cause. Apply sun principles on planets and the reaction will make the planet a sun. Who escapes? Only the people who are with ·G od in the middle. How? They will be taken out into space by the race of Man in the spacecraft. ·

In order to present the one.principle which causes all things to be, let us use the symbol "·G" to signify what is commonly referred to as God. Let us use "A" to symbolize the right hand of God, or the positive polarity, projective, male force of unbalanced energy. Let us use "B" as the sign of negative polarity, receptive, female energy, or the left · hand of God. Assume that God, who rested after the creation of all things, is the still fulcrum of Intelligence throughout all infinity that setves 'as the balance between these opposites. For an objective point of view, assume that the "G" line is vertical to the plane of the paper. Assume that the "A" line is on the paper, running crosswise at 90° to the vertical "G" line. This "A'' line of force is composed of positively charged particles. Assume that the "B" line is running from the top to the botJtom of the paper, at 90° to the ''A" line and go·o to the "G" line. This "B" line of force is composed of negatively charged particles. Where these lines cross there is an atom, a micro solar system, created in perfection by these unseen forces. The atomic element is determined by the s~b­ stances present in the charged "A" and "B, lines. This evolves a nucleus of positively charged particles called a proton, surrounded by a field of negative orbits set up by the "B" particles in motion. The concentrated group of "B" particles in this orbit we call an electron. 21


. The "G'' line · has no motion as to ·movement in a given direction. It extends infinitely throughout all space, through all substances ·and .materials. It exists in what we term both light and darkness. These lines are .parallel to each other. . ·Atoms compose all things. "G" light · is found in the composition of all atoms. "G" light is Creative lnttelligence. Our ·~Earth·. is an electron· of our Sun, traveling in its orbit of .a negative field. It is rotated by the · band . width of "A'~ and "B" light foroes, equal to the Earth's diameter. ., Prior . to .the formation of individual atoms, the "A" and ''B" lines of light force had to contain the ~orrect . amount of substance particles. ·For: clarification let us ·r.evert down to a single line of "A" ·a nd "B'~ lines of force. These two lines of oppositely charged light cross each other at~ 90°, insulated by the "G" lines of infinite Intelligence. They ·c annot be · .b rought into ·induction wh~ere they cross unless they are mated. In order to give birth to an atom of Hydrogen, the '.' A" .and ·"B" lines must conform to· species. The law ·reads "each after ·its own kind'·'. The "B" must contain the same number of ·particles per inch as the ·"A" 'does. These particles must also ·vibrate · at the sam,e · frequency. In order to :become Hydrogen both ·Jines of light must .conform ·to the vibratory frequency of Hydrogen . in·~ the spectrum. The vibratory frequency of each element is different. The · Hydrogen particles 22 ·


vibrating in their own frequency ·in:.the· light lines before they. become an atom cannot ·mix with the· .frequency of any other element. · ·. This makes them of like· species· in every respect . except they are· of ·opposit~e polarity. This opposition,· of charge brings them together, and the "G" . light allows them to mate· by induction because they are equal .opposites. · .. . The ·.density of each :e lement is deterinined by the frequency of the vibrating· both· the "A" and "B" lines of .force. · . ·. : · .~ Each. atoniic element is the result . of perfect·proportion, charge, and vibration in equal and opposite polari~ies. Thus an atom of Hydrogen -is the same wherever it -is found in the universe.: · . . . Let us proceed to simplify the complex. Picture an oniori cut. in two. An . onion is like. an :·a tom; .the . . outside layer or shell being the . ·n egative . field of orbit for the outetmost .e lectron. . The next..-: layer and each alternate layer toward ·the ·c enter· ·b eing com·posed of Intelligence, the insulating layer ·of infinite light ·force called the "G" line. ,of light..·Wheri you · c·rack ·an atom, . the · foroe: ·disturbing ·o r ..-·,puncturillg the · outer shell creates unbalance·. and neutralizes the outer shell. This causes ·the oute11nost electron to be attracted to the positive proton in the center. However, before the . electron reaches .~he proton the instantaneous inrush .of ··"G" . light force through the · fractured .outer shell creates im·plosive pressures· within the atom. This is tthe active Jorce that brings about the ·explosion when the elec:. •


tron and proton discharge within the ruptured shell. The insulating "G" light condenses into what science has named a neutrino. This potent causation force immediately deserts its wrecked atom and ta·kes off to return to the thirteenth density. This is what religion would tem1 a "resurrection"; when the pdtent, causal, infinite, light force·. deserts its shell or body. God in His infinite Wisdom caused all of His creations to function by perpetual motion. He maintains the balance by centering ea·c h creation and insulating each one from all others. When He · created the "A" lines of light force, He caused to be 1850 of them to a square centimeter. He gave them positive polarity, male, projective gender, a speed of 186,000 miles per second, and matter in the form of charged particles. In opposition to the "A" lines of light force He created the "B" lines. The "B" lines are 125 7 per squ~are cen'timeter. They cross between the "A" lines of force a~ 90° with a speed of 202,000 miles per second. Their polarity is negative, their gender is female, receptive. Between the "breathing" of these two primary forces, He created rhythm. This ·brings about a "wave motion", which consolidates the individual lines into "bands". When "A" works inward, "B" works forward· and when "A" works outward ·" B" ' ' works bac·k ward. Rhythm, which establishes the "bands, levels, and density changes," , is operated by strain or desire. Strain ·is the time between the "flight" of the female, negative lines of force and 24


"the pursuit" of the male, positive lines of force. When they encounter any created object that was "hom" before by other "A" and "B" lines of light, they add to its rotation by spiral induction :a nd partial penetration. The negative "B" lines are attracted to the Earth's positive core, but are resisted by the "·G " light insulation strata. Having penetrated the negative crust, they are repelled by it and take the line of least resistance, which is out of the North Pole. By induction, they attracted the positive core. to rotate in one direction, and in being repelled helped the negative crust to rotate in the opposite direction. The "A" positive lines of force work opposite to the foregoing, and are emitted at the ·South Pole. As they emit from the poles they are met by the "A" and "B" lines of light that are passing uninterrupted by the planet and bent back to their original course. The resistance in bending causes the aurora. As they have reduced their energy charge and speed of motion in adding power to the planet, they enter different levels as they emerge from the poles. Then the "G" lines of light, crossing between them and insulating them, brings them back through "rest" and "rhythmic breathing" to their original conditions. The "A" lines of force have more quantity "density" and less speed than the "B" lines of force. The "B" lines have more speed and less "density". This is the reason why the "A" positive lines of


charged with matter, become the proton core of the Earth. The faster "B" charged matter becomes · the crust of our· ·planet. This strain or · desire is the eternal progressive spirit in all· things that manifest action. ~~3;in.>n, p_e?pl~.J~..~~ll~d dc:,si1;e. Wheri the desire

exceeds the limits of capacity, the Father's agents· of balance· t~e "A'' or"B" lines of force· will bring :about ail opposite. result. The "·G", "A", and ,.'B" . lines are the ·"Us" referred to :irt the Bible (Gen. 1: 26). when God said,· '''Let us make man" .. 0


.· · 0 mortals, .though ·M y Laws have ·been as doormats beneath your feet; though through centuries you have· turned ·not to lace the Light ·I ·udge ·not, n!it!J..~r. .. 4o . 1· ~h. l.4..2.e grets;· for all are gzven ·ri t · o c~gq,se. Mortals in this density ·o · t ree, having not chosen Me, now .stand .beneath the·· whip, but are rather facing rebound of the actions man has created. Af.y Lf!:lJ!.S~~·-~''! fix~d. None can change the Law of all Infinity. One fulfills the Law, or faces judgment . by . the Law, wrl~t~.~ K~~Tlr..Mt[J,_e_.~~igl:zJ-~.El~~.f!:~!l- "of MJ' .crea_!ed ~eings. Having turned My Laws about, now you are faced with your man creations in opposition to My Law. So I gather up the scattered fruit~ knowing that the bulk of My harvest has been lost to repetition upon repetition of errors, written in the history of mortals on this portion of Me. I must brush off this contamination from My cloak, that I may hang it in My closet clean . .TJJfl§.e. f. f!ao have failed for centuries to recognize My pers.on wzthin their .~IJeir~:g~. . . ai;.e forced . .by their actions to ..