August 5-7 2024 !!
Nuclear Information and Records Management Association (NIRMA) is a Not-For-Profit Corporation governed by a Board of Directors and has members from the United States and International communities. Three Business Units constitute the tactical organization where committee work takes place on topics mentioned below as well as organization business.
Since 1976, NIRMA is the nuclear industry’s educational provider for information management. NIRMA is uniquely qualified to provide guidance to commercial entities and government agencies in the areas of information and process management, aligned with regulatory compliance.
To serve the global nuclear community by providing educational and technical guidance for information and process management professionals.
To educate nuclear and associated industries, agencies, and regulators in the development, implementation, and administration of information and process management best practices and technologies.
To deliver products and services in support of professional peer to peer interaction focusing on continuous education and mentorship, resulting in cost-effective operations and excellence.
Professional Forum
NIRMA provides individuals and their organizations with real and timely opportunities to:
In addition, individuals can assume leadership roles and certifications that support personal growth and development goals as well as provide direct benefit to their respective organizations.
NIRMA has a professional alliance with the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) for certification and recognition. The Nuclear Specialist (NS) designation is an advanced certification and established around the high rigor requirements of the nuclear industry (governmental and commercial). It is conferred to Certified Records Managers (CRM) and Certified Records Analysts (CRA) who meet the NS qualifications.
The CRM/Federal Specialist is an advanced certification applicable to CRMs whose field of professional practice involves RIM programs of the U.S. Federal government, whether as a Federal government employee, uniformed military, vendor, consultant, or contractor.
NIRMA Membership
As a NIRMA member, you are entitled to access the full array of our products and services to include: access to a Members-only Sharepoint, technical guidelines, position papers, proceedings from prior symposiums, and monthly NIRMA Webinars. Membership is granted by either registering to attend the annual symposium or by submitting a membership application.